Independence Day holds an important place in the heart of every Indian and more so for the young learners, who look forward to celebrating this event with great fervour and patriotism every year. However, due to COVID 19 pandemic situation, this year celebration seemed almost impossible. But the students, teachers and management of KENNEDY HIGH put their heads together and came up with a novel way of celebrating the 74th Independence day, virtually.
Our students practiced for the events diligently and presented visages of incredible India on a VIRTUAL platform, using google classroom. Teachers, staff and even parents joined this patriotic event online, honouring all safety norms, making the event a grand success.
The program began with the hoisting of National flag virtually, along with the melodious rendition of National Anthem while the students expressed their respect for the Tri colour by saluting. The management appreciated the children’s efforts in coming together to celebrate the event on a virtual platform with such high spirits. They were quick to applaud the children’s swift adaptation to online classes and also conveyed their heartfelt thanks to the parents for their support and cooperation.
Indeed, it was a treat to watch the students performing, dressed in traditional attire. Independence Day celebrations in Virtual mode depicted the patriotism and enthusiasm among all present. The students shared their understanding of Independence Day by engaging in different activities planned by their teachers. The cultural events began with a patriotic song, a true expression of happiness and joy of freedom, followed by some spectacular dances and Instrumental music. All in all, it was a beautifully executed, tri – coloured themed celebration.